Events Division
We have serviced many events over the last 5 years, firstly as a dry hire supplier to other contractors and now direct to the major event organisers. We offer a full range of supply or supply and erect services not limited to; Scaffolding, Heras Fencing & Barriers, Stages and Temporary Roads.
We hold a large stock of Layher Public Access Staircases which are available for dry hire as well as supply and erect.
This division gained rapid expansion throughout 2019 under its new leadership team and we hope to expand on our contracts through 2020 and beyond with some exciting work packages being secured across Europe.
Our preferred scaffold system Layher is used to create most of the event structures.
Winter Wonderland, Hyde Park
Liverpool Ski Slope
Client: Talk Media
Project: Ski Slope , Liverpool Pier Head , Liverpool
Date: Nov 2019
Team: 6-8 Men , 2 Weeks
Scope Hadley designed supplied and erected a temporary ski slope with a system deck to enable temporary ski slope set up for the ice , very. demanding project delivered to a tight schedule and time table
Value: Not disclosed
Stoner Park